Who Invented Socks?


Socks are the question that has baffled man since time immemorial. Who invented socks? Many will answer differently but all with equal conviction, the first people to wear socks were probably farmers of the Middle East. They were probably used in Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, and Ancient China, though some might claim that they were first invented in Pakistan. Their origin actually lies in ancient Greece (the source of democracy and Philosophy they were some pretty intelligent folks, those Ancient Greeks). However, one of their main uses was for protection from the cold, as sock-clad soldiers were sent into battle against the Trojans.

Socks, or armpits as we Americans would call them, were worn by soldiers to keep their feet warm during the war. During the Renaissance, the Spanish priests and the Italian scholars made sock knitwear a compulsory part of their day-to-day attire. It was not until the industrial revolution of the 19th century that socks evolved as a common piece of clothing. Then, they evolved even further to become what we know them today, namely as footwear and fashion accessories. Their usage as footwear extended to automobiles, later becoming a popular accessory for the women folk, while jeans gained popularity as men’s wear.

There are numerous theories on who invented socks; however, the story of sock hopwear is a well-known one. A number of American and European companies emerged around the turn of the 20th century offering custom-designed knitted fabrics for men, women and children alike. They began as footwear and slowly extended to include clothing as well. As more women and children embraced the new fad, the manufacturers saw a huge opportunity in the booming business of customized socks.
